Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Laundry and a special horse.

Yesterday, I went on a fantabulous adventure! By that, I mean I went and did laundry. I very rarely get out, so it always feels adventurous to me. I have to go to another town to get to a laundromat, only15 minutes away, so not too bad.

On the way there I saw this scene I have beautifully recreated for your viewing pleasure.
Some horses in a pasture are not uncommon in the area I live, but I noticed only one had a blanket thing. I couldn't help but wonder why only one horse would have one? Was it special-er than the other horses? Did the owner like that horse better because it was the white one? Did it belong to someone who didn't own the other two? 

I also wondered what the horses were thinking about this. Were they jealous that they weren't loved enough to have a green coat?

Or did they think it was really lame to have one on?

Or were they even aware of it or care? It probably was't all that important in their horsey lives, really...

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