Thursday, October 18, 2012

Firefly IS awesome!

So I have heard from various geeky sources that firefly was the best show that ever existed and it's a damn shame that it never got picked up for a second season.

The main character was also Captain Hammer from Dr.  Horrible's Sing Along Blog, which , by the way, is a pretty good comedy with Neil Patrick Harris as the main character. Though be warned, it is a musical/comedy/TRAGEDY genre, meaning something really sad happens... Which made my boyfriend hate the ending and think that the whole thing just plain sucks...I still like it though.


But I never really felt like going out and finding a way to watch it and was weary of watching a new series because series usually have a lot of episodes and I know I wouldn't be happy with not finishing it. Also what if I feel in love with the show and then was left hanging with questions that were never to be answered?

A year or so after finding out about the show, I found it on netflix. Without anything to watch, boyfriend and I decided to give it a try....AND IT WAS AWESOME!!!

The story line follows a captain and his "ragtag crew", as netflix calls it, as they find (usually illegal) jobs of scavenging cargo and then selling it on the black market. They claim that they do regular jobs too, but I don't think it ever shows any in the series.

The setting is in the year of 2517, and the planet "The-Earth-That-Was" (you may know it by it by it's current name, Earth) was used up, so they found a new solar system and terraformed the planets and moons to support human life. The group called The Alliance decided that all the new planets should be under one rule, but the group of people who didn't want that, called The Independents or "Brown Coats", fought back causing a war. The first episode starts with the war, introducing the captain and a woman of his later to be formed crew. Most of the series takes place about 7 years after the wars, excluding some flash backs and the like. The alliance won, and now the central planets are the more rich and technologically advanced, and leave the outer planets with not so much technology or money.

It has the perfect level of humor, and the right type! I loved all of the characters and was so interested in the story line  They could have had an episode about filing taxes and I would have loved it! Of course it would most likely be perfectly dramatic and dangerous taxes that would reveal a little more about the characters. Basically they had some lovely ingredients that they mixed together and baked into a wonderful show.

Thankfully, a few years after the end of Firefly(2002), they made a follow up movie called Serenity(2005). It wrapped things up to a satisfactory level for me. I very much recommend this series!

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