Monday, October 1, 2012

I have a turtle. Her name is Jo, but she doesn't know that.

So I got a cute little turtle from a $1.09 store from some foreigners for $20 that was "A special price for you only, today!". It included food and one of those tiny plastic terrariums with a little happy plastic palm tree that some turtle breeders refer to as "the plastic death box"  for it is much too small and most baby turtles bought on a whim die in those.

She looks like so:

I named her Jo Ann, but no one calls her that including me because turtle is much easier and "hey turtle!" sounds more fun than "hey jo!" ....I think... this is just a random theory of mine as to why we don't call her by her name. Anyways here is my roommate dropping her on the floor like the dick he is:

She is okay from that fall, luckily her shell protected her, because it's been 2 months from now and she seems okay. Here's a video of her eating some lettuce with my terrible narration:

As you can see, her tank got much more pimped. It's quite nice...though when I was rinsing all of the aquarium rocks to get the dust off of them, I got some in the garbage disposal because I'm dumb and didn't think to put the cover on it. Then a few days later I turned on the disposal and it worked...and then just stopped, which reminded me about the rocks that fell down the drain.... any tips on how to get aquarium rocks unstuck from a garbage disposal?

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